Oracle ERP Cloud Web Service Changes

Oracle ERP Cloud Web Service Changes

Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications contains a very useful web service which opens up all the File Based Data Imports (FBDI) so that they can be fully automated via web services. It contains a method to send the data, as if it was a file, to be loaded into the UCM. Additional methods allow submission and monitoring of ESS jobs to load the data.

This web service was originally part of Oracle Financials Cloud and called Financial Utilities Service (FinancialUtilService). Whilst this still exists, it is being deprecated and replaced by the ERP Integration Service which contains the exact same methods, plus some additional methods helping to process the output of the ESS jobs.

FXLoader published a couple of guest blogs on the Oracle Fusion Applications Developer Relations site:

Original blog on usage of FinancialUtilService

Update on switch to ERP Integration Service

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