Oracle Cloud Apps Release 13 Web Service Change

Oracle Cloud Apps Release 13 Web Service Change

Release 13

Most of our clients using Oracle ERP Cloud, or Oracle Sales Cloud, are currently (October 2017) on Release 12. In fact, some of them are in the process of being upgraded to Release 12, or have only just moved there.

For these clients, Release 13 seems, and probably will be, a long way off.

However, our new clients who are implementing Oracle ERP Cloud for the first time, are on Release 13.

There are lots of useful changes and additions in Release 13, you can find details for Financials here

But, there is one technology platform change that will probably affect you.

Web Services Change

Using the example of the popular ERP Integration Service (SOAP web service) WSDL, we see a change to the location (URL).

Release 12 and earlier:

Release 13:

The ‘exxx’ represents your pod name and ‘us2’ your data center, so these will vary.

The important part is the change from ‘fin’ to ‘fa’.

The change is due to an Oracle internal consolidation of weblogic domains and servers, to reduce differentiation by product family.

We haven’t investigated how widespread this change is, across web services for different products, but the above suggests any using the product family (fin in this case) in the URL will have to change.

We expect the impact to be widespread, as most users of Oracle Cloud Applications will have some integrations using web services, called from outside the application – PaaS or some other external service.

So, wherever the URL to the web service is stored for existing integrations, the change will need to be made when you are upgraded to Release 13.

As for FXLoader clients, they have already been notified of the impact. We will make the change for them, or they can log in and make the change themselves using the steps below:

  • Log into FXLoader Cloud Service
  • Click Instances on the left menu
  • Click on the Instance that has been upgraded
  • Change the ‘.fin.’ in the URL to ‘.fa.’
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